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Every Child
Aug 20, 20245 min read
21st Century Competency Skills (21CC) and PSLE - “Neither can live while the other survives!”
Will 21CC stand to have a place given that it is on the opposite end of the education continuum to PSLE?

Every Child
Aug 19, 20246 min read
Busting the Myth: Game Theory Explains why Reducing PSLE Pressure can’t be done by ‘Shifting Mindsets’
Applying game theory to PSLE help understand how individually rational and logical strategies and behaviours lead to massive PSLE stress.

Every Child
Mar 25, 20244 min read
Why Focusing on Continuing Education Alone Won’t Save Us
Our government tends to focus on a few major initiatives at any given time, mostly because our Cabinet Ministers have to ‘pick their...

Every Child
Oct 16, 20239 min read
If You’re a Policy-Maker or Public Office Holder, We Request You to Read This: has been started by a group of Singaporeans, mostly parents, concerned about the ability of our education system to prepare...
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